aims to treat and repair fibrotic skin lesions, which result from the alteration of the network of connective tissue strands that binds the skin to the deeper layers. Female patients with cellulite present the characteristic skin image, which resembles orange peel.
Substantial reduction of the fibers is observed with the consequence that the skin that covers the disputed area is deepened (enters inwards), thus creating the local impressions. A microsurgical handle with a flattened knife at its free end is the tool of choice.
With this process the skin regains its texture. At the same time, there is an improvement in microcirculation. CelluErase is a brand new treatment that is the most effective in the fight against cellulite. Impressive results are achieved with a single session, no repetitions are required and the pain is zero!
Category: Χωρίς κατηγορίαTag: Μεσοθεραπείες
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