Phototherapy with Celluma

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Let’s get to know Celluma together

Celluma Pro 

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Our most popular product, Celluma PRΟ.

1.         The blue spectrum is intended for the treatment of the frequently occurring dermatological problem, mild to moderate acne.

2.         The operation of the Celluma LED phototherapy device provides for the emission of energy in the red and infrared region of the spectrum for use in dermatology (e.g. inflammation and irritation from invasive applications, bruises, healing of skin wounds, photoaging of the skin, etc. ).

3.         The intended use of the Celluma LED Phototherapy Device includes the delivery of heat in the infrared (IR) range locally to increase tissue temperature for temporary relief of mild muscle and joint pain, arthritis and muscle spasms, for relief of stiffness, to facilitate the relaxation of muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.

The Celluma PRO LED phototherapy device is a flexible, light and portable device.

Treatments: Regeneration, discolorations, anti-inflammatory action, acne, pain

Treatment area dimensions: 40.64cm x 20.32cm.

 Celluma Elite

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The Celluma ELITE phototherapy device has a rolling stand and has the same features and specifications as the Celluma PRO LED phototherapy device, including most aspects of flexibility.

An articulated and swivel arm provides a wide range of mounting options.

The Celluma ELITE LED phototherapy device is also ideal for self-service therapy.

1.         The blue spectrum is intended for the treatment of the frequently occurring dermatological problem, mild to moderate acne.

2.         The operation of the Celluma LED phototherapy device provides for the emission of energy in the red and infrared region of the spectrum for use in dermatology (e.g. inflammation and irritation from invasive applications, bruises, healing of skin wounds, photoaging of the skin, etc. ).

3.         The intended use of the Celluma LED Phototherapy Device includes the delivery of heat in the infrared (IR) range locally to increase tissue temperature for temporary relief of mild muscle and joint pain, arthritis and muscle spasms, for relief of stiffness, to facilitate the relaxation of muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.

Treatments: Regeneration, discolorations, anti-inflammatory action, acne, pain

Treatment area dimensions: 40.64cm x 20.32cm.

 Celluma Skin

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With the same power, efficiency and size as the Celluma PRO LED Phototherapy Device, the Celluma SKIN LED Phototherapy Device is a 2-treatment device that treats both acne and aging skin.

1.         The blue spectrum is intended for the treatment of the frequently occurring dermatological problem, mild to moderate acne.

2.         The operation of the Celluma LED phototherapy device provides for the emission of energy in the red and infrared region of the spectrum for use in dermatology (e.g. inflammation and irritation from invasive applications, bruises, healing of skin wounds, photoaging of the skin, etc. ).

Treatments: Regeneration, discolorations, anti-inflammatory action, Acne

Certificates: FDA, CE

Treatment area dimensions 40.1cm x 20.1cm

Celluma Clear

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The Celluma CLEAR LED phototherapy device is a single-mode device for the treatment of active acne, rosacea rash and acne scars.

While specifically designed for placement on a specific area "the face", the Celluma CLEAR LED phototherapy device can be used anywhere on the body.

1.         The blue spectrum is intended for the treatment of the frequently occurring dermatological problem, mild to moderate acne.

Treatments: Acne

Treatment area dimensions: 35.56cm x 15.24cm.

Certificates: FDA, CE

To be continued……

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