Cool lifting! The most impressive and fast face tightening.



Cool Lifting

Deep hydration, strong toning, tissue oxygenation, immediate skin lifting and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

The innovative Cool Lifting treatment works by applying a bottle of harmless CO2 propellant gas, combined with an ampoule containing trace elements, minerals, hyaluronic acid, multivitamins, peptides and other firming elements. We could describe its action as a bloodless Face Lifting, with the power of frozen CO2 gas, in spray form.

Cool lifting is one of the next generation treatments, offering non-invasive facial rejuvenation. Without a scalpel, pain or injections, it is designed to precisely treat wrinkles around the eyes, lips, cheeks and forehead. At the same time it puts an end to dark circles under the eyes.

How does it work?

The secret of Cool Lifting on the face is microcirculation, which is achieved when CO2 comes into contact with the upper layer of the skin.

This reaction causes the formation of collagen, elastin and increases tissue oxygenation.

During the application we feel a pleasant sensation of coolness, while the valuable components of the ampoule penetrate under the skin.

Immediate deep hydration, oxygenation of tissues, immediate lifting of the skin, elimination of fine expression lines and treatment of dark circles under the eyes.

To be continued…..


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