Quality Policy

The fundamental policy of the company is to establish and maintain high quality standards both for the services it offers in its field and in the way it operates.

The company is committed to ensure that the medical devices and products that it markets and trades in Public and Private Hospitals, Medical Centers, Private Practices and Clinics satisfy relevant predefined and other requirements of society in relation to the current European Community and National legislation, regulations, codes, circulars, and instructions, especially since it addresses the sensitive area of public health.

The primary objective is the compliance of the company’s services with the quality requirements of its customers, the observance of the implementation schedules of contracts, agreements and orders and the optimization of financial results.

This policy is implemented with the development and implementation of a Quality System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016 standards and which includes the requirements of good practices for the distribution of Medical Devices and Products that meet the requirements of the Greek Ministerial Decision DY8d/G.P.OIK ./1348/2004 (Official Gazette 32/B/16.1.2004).

In order for the company to achieve the above:

  • It provides all the necessary resources to ensure the smooth, efficient, and effective operation of the company which it reviews through the Quality System Management Review
  • It defines Quality objectives which are reviewed at regular intervals according to the needs of the company, and it monitors their achievement.
  • It is committed to continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality System through the processes it has developed, and which is the main concern of the company and the philosophy of each staff member.
  • It has created a suitable working environment in such a way as to meet the relevant requirements and those concerning safety and health at work.
  • It maintains a high level of competence of its employees, with training in their field and evaluation of their performance

This Policy is immediately available to all interested parties, is understood and applied by everyone in the company, and is reviewed for its suitability at regular intervals.

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